Target Audience

Welcome back everyone once more to my blog (We're almost at the end... what a pity). Anyways, this blog topic will be about the target audience and whether they engaged or not. For our luck, Nike Australia uploaded one more video (actually 2, but a short and a long version) to their YouTube account (Video can be found below as always). Alright so, to answer to our question we will be looking at the comments of these videos to see whether people liked or disliked what Nike Australia is doing. I will do this because most of the times, even if a video has many views, it doesn't mean everyone likes the video or the campaign and those people will usually not engage. Now, after watching all the videos, I decided I would take a look at the comments, where it can be usually seen if people likes what the brand is doing or understands the aim of the campaign. On one hand, there were comments regarding how bad the campaign was or people asking why would Nike post videos like that to incite people to buy shoes. I'll leave a few comments so you can see by yourself what I'm talking about:

-"Your new ads are bad and you should feel bad."
-"is this supposed to make me want to buy shoes?"
-"art crime, just do it"

BUT, on the other hand there were people telling Nike to keep up with the good work, how funny their videos are or just James Tedesco fans happy to see their hero on a Nike's ad. Take a look by yourself:

-"James Tedesco is a hero!"
-"hahaaaa....... love it"
-"Nice work, Nike!"

After watching all the comments on these videos, and realising that there are more positive than negative comments on them, I would say that there are more people who engaged with the campaign and the rest who left negative comments are just persons who dislike the brand, doesn't do sports or simply doesn't have a sense of humor at all.

Well, with this we finalise today's work, see you all the next time :)


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