Welcome back each and everyone of you to a new blog where you will find more info about Nike's campaign and without much further do the topic of this week will be...... "How Nike used and integrated the media in their campaign" (So much fun!!). Just kidding, it is fun and if any of you doesn't find it interesting or entertaining, I will give an effort to drag you into the world of advertising. Before anything, I found two more billboards that I think go together and are far more appealing than the one I posted the last time (If you didn't see it, you are not missing anything), so give a quick look down below before continuing because they might be mentioned throughout this blog (or maybe not, idk). Now, as I said before, for this blog I will try (and only try) to discuss how Nike integrated the media in their campaign. Alright so, it is for sure that Nike Australia was focused on attracting the attention of as many people they could by placing the ads in three places that are of daily use for many people: Bus stops, Pyrmont bridge and YouTube (I'm pretty sure that they can be in more places but as much as I tried to find them I just couldn't, sneaky b*stards eh? haha). Why do I say what I just said?, because on a daily basis, around 14.000 people walk across the Pyrmont bridge approximately 700.000 people take the bus each day in Sydney and YouTube is visited by over 30 million people each day. All of this means that the odds of someone crossing across a "Just do it" ad is insanely high, so as far as I concern, the job of integrating the media Nike did was just, flawless.
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